1. What Is NIOS, is it recognized in India or worldwide?

NIOS is a recognized board in India just like any other board such as CBSE or CISCE. You can find the list of Indian universities and State boards that accepts NIOS certificates after 10th Std. for their courses at http://www.nios.ac.in/media/documents/listofuniv.pdf and http://www.nios.ac.in/media/documents/listofboards.pdf

2. Why NIOS and not other boards like CBSE or ICSE?

Because Islamic subjects can be taught under NIOS only and the same provision is not available under CBSE or ICSE.

3. Why it is mentioned Maktab after the name of the school?

As the curriculum includes both Academics as well as Islamic studies, so as per the rule of the Government we have to mention Maktab.

4.From which board will the students appear in 10th Std.?

Students can appear in the board examination either from NIOS or State Board under the form 17 scheme.

5. What will be the syllabus for Islamic subjects?

For Arabic language syllabus of Ummul Qura, University of Makkahtul Mukarramah will be followed and for Islamic studies (English) syllabus of Jamia-Islamia, Madina University will be followed.

6. What about Hifz?

InshaAllah Extra classes of Hifz will be started from 1st Std. (most probably early morning before the 1st period) depending upon the capability of the student.

7. Which school of thought will be followed?

Quran and Authentic Hadeeth.

8. What are the extra curricular activities ?

Excursions, Class activities, Taekwondo (from 1st Std.), Annual Sports, EPS (English Public Speaking), APS (Arabic Public Speaking) etc.